3 Reasons to Celebrate Ada Lovelace Today
In celebration of Women’s History Month, learn more about how one woman changed the face of technology even before the invention light bulbs, antibiotics, refrigerators, or telephones.
In celebration of Women’s History Month, learn more about how one woman changed the face of technology even before the invention light bulbs, antibiotics, refrigerators, or telephones.
Flatiron School’s iOS and Swift curriculum manager Jim breaks down five exciting reasons to learn Apple’s new iOS language, Swift.
Flatiron School student Adrian Prieto walks us through the process of making “Expensy,” the expense-tracking web application he built with Sinatra.
Guest writer Jeremy Schifeling shares three assumptions he had held that kept him—and keeps many others—from pursuing a career in tech, and why those assumptions are wrong.
Flatiron School alumna Sarah Alder shares six important lessons she’s learned as a web developer that she wishes she knew when she was starting out.
Flatiron’s Swift/iOS Curriculum Manager Jim Campagno shares his favorite online Swift resources, from developers on Twitter to video tutorials.
Flatiron School alumnus Amanda Himmelstoss shares ten differences in syntax and logic that she’s found as she ventures into JavaScript after learning Ruby.
The last of three posts highlighting student-built apps that are solving big problems in innovative ways—and making it into the App Store. Today’s featured apps aim to make a social impact.
The second of three posts highlighting student-built apps that are solving big problems in innovative ways—and making it into the App Store. Today’s featured apps take on lifestyle and entertainment issues.